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Published: April 4, 2020, with LaTeX source code here
A comprehensive conceptual (and technical) explanation of Monero.
We endeavor to teach anyone who knows basic algebra and simple computer science concepts like the ‘bit representation’ of a number not only how Monero works at a deep and comprehensive level, but also how useful and beautiful cryptography can be.
Publié : 26 juin 2018, avec Code source LaTeX ici.
Un guide à travers le monde apparemment complexe de Monero.
Il contient :
Infographies traitant du fonctionnement interne de Monero. Le nom vient des couleurs employées, ayant des significations sémantiques (même si faibles) mais aussi une fonction unificatrice en tant que thème récurrent, et ressemblant au brunissement du saumon (de cru à cuit) aux yeux de l'auteur :)
Monero Standard is a weekly publication by recanman, providing up-to-date news and information on the Monero protocol. In addition to covering the latest developments in the Monero community, The Monero Standard also includes a weekly price chart, mining pool chart, blockchain statistics, and even a Meme of the Week.
Monero Observer Blitz provides monthly updates on the latest developments in the Monero community and protocol. Written by escapethe3RA, this publication covers news related to Monero's ongoing development, community events, and notable achievements within the space.